The Federation awards the Lucius D. Clay Medal each year to a German or American individual who has made an outstanding contribution to furthering German-American relations and friendship. The medal is made of pure silver.

The obverse of the round medal shows the portrait and the name “General Lucius D. Clay” and the dates of his birth and death. The reverse bears the inscription “For outstanding contributions to German-American friendship” in the center. The medal is awarded annually by the president of the VDAC at a ceremony commemorating German-American Day.


Award recipients
2024Lt. Gen. Ben HodgesCommander, United States Army Europe (2014–2018)
2023Wolfgang IschingerGerman ambassador to the US (2001–2006)
Chairman of the Munich Security Conference (2008–2022)
2019Dr. Christoph von MarschallJournalist (Berliner Tagesspiegel)
2018Prof. Dr. Susan NeimanPhilosopher and director of the Einstein Forum
2017Dirk NowitzkiBasketball player
2016Friedrich MerzChairman of the Atlantik-Brücke e.V. (2009–2019)
2015Gail HalvorsenColonel, retired, US Air Force; Berlin Airlift protagonist
2014Rüdiger LentzDirector of the Aspen Institute Germany
2013Prof. Dr. Werner Michael BlumenthalDirector of the Jewish Museum in Berlin (1997–2014)
2012Philip MurphyUS ambassador to Germany (2009–2013)
2011Fred B. IrwinPresident, American Chamber of Commerce Germany
2010Brigadegeneral Dr.-Ing. h.c.
Thomas Reiter
German astronaut, executive for research and development on space travel,
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2009Dr. Angela MerkelGerman chancellor (2005–2021)
2008Karsten D. VoigtGerman Foreign Ministry Coordinator of German-American
Cooperation (1998–2009)
2007Don F. JordanUS journalist (Deutsche Welle TV, 1994–2005)
2006Michel PerraudinBoard member of Adidas (1989–2005)
President, World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (2004–2007)
Co-founder of the Franconian International School (FIS) (1998)
2005Jürgen GrafSenior reporter at RIAS Berlin (1945–1964)
2004Dr. Luther Frederick CarterPresident, Francis Marion University (since 1999)
2003General a.D. Wolfgang AltenburgInspector General of the Bundeswehr (1983–1986)
2002Dr. Bernhard VogelMinister President of Thüringen (1992–2003)
2001Prof. Dr. Meredith McClainDirector, Southwest Center for German Studies,
Texas Tech University (1981–2008)
2000Robert H. LochnerSpokesman for General Clay (1945–1949)
Director, RIAS Berlin (1961–1968)
1999Dr. Walter Leisler KiepChairman of the Atlantik-Brücke e.V. (1984–2000)
1998Prof. Dr. Werner WeidenfeldGerman Government Coordinator of German-American Cooperation (1987–1999)
1997Dr. Edmund StoiberMinister President of Bavaria (1992–2007)
1996General Klaus NaumannInspector General of the Bundeswehr (1991–1996)
1995General John ShalikashviliChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Army (1995–1997)
1994Hans-Dietrich GenscherForeign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany (1974–1991)
1993General John R. GalvinSupreme Allied Commander, Europe, US Army (1987–1992)
1992Admiral Dieter WellershoffInspector General of the Bundeswehr (1986–1991)
1991Vernon A. WaltersUS ambassador to Germany (1989–1991)
1990Berndt von StadenAmbassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the US (1963–1968)
1989Lee H. HamiltonUS Congress member from Indiana (House of Representatives, 1964–1999)
1988Dr. Dieter KronzuckerJournalist and TV reporter/host (ARD and ZDF, 1965–1991)
1987Walter J. Stoessel, Jr.US ambassador to Germany (1976–1980)
1986Prof. Dr. Karl CarstensPresident of the Federal Republic of Germany (1979–1984)
1985Eleanor Lansing DullesDiplomat, US State Department (“Berlin Desk”, 1949–1962)
1984Manfred RommelMayor of Stuttgart (1974–1996)
1983Dr. Dr. h.c. Louis Ferdinand
Prinz von Preußen
Co-founder of the first German-American Club (Bad Kissingen, 1946)
1982General George S. BlanchardCommander-in-Chief, US Army Europe (1975–1977)
1981Dr. Alfons GoppelMinister President of Bavaria (1962–1977)
1980John J. McCloyUS High Commissioner for Germany (1949–1952)