Lesen Sie, was unsere deutschen Austauschstudierenden in den USA erlebt haben.
Die Berichte unserer amerikanischen Studierenden in Deutschland finden Sie hier.
Alle wurden gebeten, ihre Erfahrungen in der Sprache des Gastlandes zu schildern.
Despite Minnesota’s isolated location and truly oppressive cold, the warmth of the people more than makes up for it. At this small private college, the classes are very small and the professors are eager to help and offer support.
I feel that this exchange has contributed not only to my understanding of US culture, but also to my awareness of the commonalities and differences of many cultures. We have so much more in common than what separates us.
Being able to take classes that relate to my usual curriculum has enabled me to gain a considered perspective on things like consumption in society and healthy approaches to one’s lifestyle. As a teacher, I’ll be able to apply this.
FSU offers an international and inspirational community where I can hone my skills and share my experiences. I firmly believe that every student who is passionate about their studies will have a phenomenal time here.
It was fun, which is what college life in America is all about — except for finals week, when everyone is stressed out, though even then they try to make it fun by offering free yoga sessions or free coffee all night.
As is the tradition for VDAC students, I am the director of the German House, where I live with nine American students who are taking German classes. The many unique people I’ve met here have opened my eyes in so many ways.
Lesen Sie, was unsere deutschen Austauschstudierenden in den USA erlebt haben.
Die Berichte unserer amerikanischen Studierenden in Deutschland finden Sie hier.
Alle wurden gebeten, ihre Erfahrungen in der Sprache des Gastlandes zu schildern.